The late Wayne Dyer shared some words of wisdom that I think about often. He said, “Don’t die with your music still inside you.”
I have had numerous unique experiences and learning opportunities in the areas of health, wellness, and spirituality. I have been searching for the best method to share those experiences with as many people as possible. I landed on a blog because it sounded fun and would push and stretch my writing abilities to the max. Plus, it will let me know if I have what it takes to finally finish one of the many book ideas I have been noodling on for years. Full disclosure, I don’t love writing. I did not enjoy writing papers in graduate school and have not written anything of length in quite a while, so I figured why not lean into what I am afraid of and see what the heck happens?
I will share throughout these blog pages what I am learning, what I know, what I have experienced, and the wisdom imparted to me during my lifetime from the utmost experts in health, wellness, and spirituality. I wouldn’t consider myself particularly special to have met these individuals or had these experiences. I was in the right place at the right time at key moments in my life. I feel grateful for these synchronicities. I am sure you have had these experiences as well.
I’ll do my best to share all the best insightful stuff with you. I don’t consider myself a skilled writer, so some posts may suck (I hope not), some may be good, and some will be longer and some shorter. My goal, at the time of writing this post, is to share new content every week and see where I am guided to take this blog. Your input and feedback will be greatly appreciated. I intend to write authentically and not use AI to generate statistically popular content. I will use my internal spiritual technology and guidance to create what I feel is interesting content.
In this first blog post, I’ll try not to bore you with my entire “My Story,” but I’ll share more of it over time. I have been a coach and or an educator in the health and wellness field for over 25 years. The many iterations of the “coach role” I have been in include being a personal trainer, a sports performance coach in the pros and college, a wellness coach, a health coach at a disease prevention/reversal clinic, a life coach, and a spiritual coach. I feel very fortunate to have had the learning opportunities and experiences that my coaching work has presented to me over the years. I have coached thousands of clients. I will share the most useful, the most life-changing, the most success-invoking knowledge nuggets I have gathered from those co-creative coaching experiences.
In my capacity as a health and wellness educator, I have created a variety of events, including workshops, immersion-style retreats, corporate wellness talks, workplace wellness programs, human connection workshops, and spiritual ceremonies. Okay, this is starting to sound a bit like a resume now. Sorry, but a wide spectrum of things, right? Expect all the most helpful tips, insights, empowering messages, and some crazy stories from this blog.
While reflecting on what Wayne Dyer’s quote meant to me, I realized that health, wellness, spiritual understanding, and education are all “my music.” This is what I want to share with you. What I NEED to share. This is what I am called to share, not to have my music die within me.
I invite you to go on this journey with me…